NHSA Weehawken Infrastructure Project Mobilization is planned for April 17th

Dear Residents, 

The NHSA Weehawken Infrastructure Project mobilization is planned for April 17th, and the first task will be drilling test pits and taking soil samples. This activity will start at Blvd East. The test pits will be done to locate utilities that are in the path of the sewer/storm line installation. We don’t anticipate the discovery of any hazardous materials. The work will be done over the course of two weeks, with working hours from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday thru Friday. 

Although we will do our best to avoid disruptions, there will be parking, traffic, and sidewalk inconveniences. However, we will work diligently to make sure that any disruptions are as limited as possible. 

During construction, informational notices will be posted throughout the affected areas. A supervisor will also be onsite to provide additional information. Regular updates will be posted on the Township’s website: weehawken-nj.us and at nhudsonsa.com

We are committed to minimizing disruption to the community and your cooperation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


North Hudson Sewerage Authority, Owner 

Underground Utilities, Contractor 


North Hudson Sewerage Authority Weehawken Infrastructure Project: Beginning on Wednesday, May 31, 2023


North Hudson Sewerage Authority Weehawken Infrastructure Project Summary