Collection System Improvements Contract 2 - Week of March 24th
Purpose of Project:
Rehabilitation of approximately 4,700 linear feet of combined sewers, manholes and service connection in the Cities of Union City and West New York.
Key Phases & Timeline
Initial phase of sewer cleaning and CCTV is forecast to be completed by the end of March.
Work Period & Location
Week of March 24th
Night work 3/24-3/28, 8:30pm setup active 9:00pm thru 5:00am
12th Street between Summit Ave and Bergen Line Ave
Park Ave between 30th and 35th Street
Bergenline Ave between 42nd and 43rd street
Bergenline Ave between 44th and 48th street
47th street at New York Ave and at Park Ave
Park Ave between 49th and 50th street
Description of Work
Cleaning and CCTV
Traffic Information:
Road Closures: Applicable roads will be closed overnight by police for the duration of active work at that location.
Parking Restrictions: None
Detours: Traffic will be reduced to a single lane in each direction during active construction.
Police presence: Yes, assisting with street closures as noted above.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to improve our infrastructure.
Stay tuned for further updates!