Newark Street and Observer Highway Combined Sewer Repair: Construction and Traffic Management Activities Feb 24th - March 1st

Newark Street and Observer Highway Combined Sewer Repair

The combined sewer repair will be transitioning from the intersection of Henderson Street and Observer Highway to the intersection of Newark Street and Jefferson Street.  The project is intended to replace existing underground infrastructure that is in poor condition. The scope of work includes, installing helical piles, replacing the existing wooden box culvert with new elliptical pipe, installation of new concrete manholes, and removal and replacement of existing concrete sidewalk and traffic barriers.


Work on Newark Street and Observer Highway will require parking restrictions, partial and full road closures and detours. Residents of the area will be kept apprised of the work in the area.


The following work and maintenance and protection of traffic are scheduled for the week of Monday February 24th  through Saturday March 1st. 


  • Maintenance and protection of traffic

  • Installation of combined sewer pipe

  • By-pass pumping

  • Installation of helical piles


Traffic Maintenance and Protection

  • Newark Street at Adams Street will be closed to traffic at 8:00am and will remain closed during the course of the work.

  • Newark Street at Jefferson  Street will be closed to east bound traffic at 8:00am and will remain closed during the course of the work.

  • Jefferson Street between First Street and Observer Highway will be closed between 10am and reopened at 3:00pm Tuesday through Friday.  It will be closed between 8:00am to 8:00pm on Saturday, March 1st.


NHSA H6/H7 Hoboken Phase 2 Construction and Traffic Management Activities: Feb 24 – Feb 28, 2025


Madison Street Infrastructure Improvements: Construction and Traffic Management Activities Feb 24th - Feb 28th