NHSA H6/H7 Hoboken Phase 2 Construction and Traffic Management Activities: Feb 24 – Feb 28, 2025
Project Overview
We’re continuing Phase 2 of the H6/H7 Project to enhance infrastructure reliability and improve stormwater management in Hoboken. This work will support long-term system efficiency and reduce maintenance needs.
Key Phases & Timeline
Week of February 24 – February 28, 2025
Work Locations:
13th Street between Adams and Jefferson Streets
Adams Street between 14th and 15th Streets
15th Street between Grand Street and Clinton Street
Construction Activities
13th Street (NWRP Pump Station): Working on stairs, grating, and prepping for louvers
Adams Street (14th to 15th Streets): Installing catch basins
15th Street (Grand to Clinton Streets): Installing concrete piers and pile caps
Traffic Management
15th Street (Grand to Clinton Streets): One-way westbound; eastbound traffic detoured to 16th Street
15th & Clinton Intersection: Closed; traffic detoured south on Grand Street and east on 14th Street
HPD Officers: Managing traffic at key intersections and construction sites
Adams Street (14th to 15th Streets): Open to thru traffic after 4:30 PM
15th Street: One-way westbound during the day; reopens to two-way traffic at night
No Parking: 24/7 restrictions on both sides of Adams Street (14th to 15th Streets)
Sidewalk Impacts: Possible partial closures on 13th Street between Adams and Jefferson near the pump station
We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to improve our infrastructure.